Thursday, August 11, 2011

The most awesomest bug evar in the history of awesomest bugs.

I decided to take a scenerio right after I entered a Thanquol's Incursion. Worst. Idea. Evar.

First, whenever you leave TI you get the exit scenerio screen, which was stuck on my screen in the scenerio, so I couldn't see anything.

THEN as I was trying to navigate my way trying to avoid the stupid screen I fell.. and became stuck where I fell.

Woot! Made it 2 feet then got stuck, after waiting for the scenerio to end (Which was annoyingly long considering it was a Reikland Factory SC) I found myself in a new instance of TI.. stuck inside.

No matter how many times I press Yes, it does not let me out, so I am stuck in TI trying to find a way out.

I guess I'll need to wait the 20 minutes for my book of binding to cool down.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Most Wonderful Armor sets! (FILLER POST ;-D)

The new T7 appearance armor is actually good I think. I apologize because I have nothing to say, as stated in my last post I an tired of these filler posts that aren't funny or even slightly entertaining.  Which is why I have raised poll times to 2 weeks rather than one. Huzzah.

But yeah.. I like the new armor sets, but I want to see DoK's ;-D

Poll Results: Do you want forts back?
Yes, the same way they were:
Yes, but modified:
No, I hated them: 8%
I didn't play when forts were here: 16%